About Membership
Benefits of Joining ArtDoers

Tangible Benefits
• Your artwork shown to the world
• Your own ArtDoers website page kept updated
• Your own link you can give to others so they can find your work easily
• Inventory management including multiples
• Online Sales of, and income from, your artwork
• Keep your followers up to date on your latest artwork
• Presentation of your artwork under your design control
• Much easier automatic promotion of you and your artwork
• Storage and showing of your artist statement
• Storage and showing of your bio and resume
• Transition from making art to showing art
• Transition from showing art to selling art
• Validation that you do art and it's being shown
• The thrill of seeing a tasteful presentation of your artwork
• Encouragement and freedom to be yourself and do your art
• Participation in the ArtDoers community - You are supported!
In Return, You...

• Choose a flexible plan involving your choice of a balance between:
– Membership fee
– Percentage of sold artwork's price
• Hold onto all your artwork
• Package and ship sold artwork
• Provide ArtDoers with a list of your followers
• Make your artist statement if you wish
• Make your bio and resume if you wish
• Participate in the ArtDoers community if you wish